The Brooklyn Tee Party Presents: EYD ONE: The Black Panther Party
September 14th - October 12th, 2008
Opening Reception Sunday, Sept. 14th, 7 pm to 11 pm
@ YUME Gallery,
925 Bergen St, #406,
Brooklyn, NY 11238
EYD ONE (born 1985 in Komaki City, Japan) is an ever elusive graff writer, illustrator, tattoo artist and mural master known as dark and brooding with a mysterious glimmer to his smile. His work has appeared all over the streets of Japan (legally and illegally) and in several group shows in Tokyo and Osaka. In 2005, he moved to New York to make his mark in the New York street and fine art and fashion scene. You can see his murals in NY's East Village boutique
Bobby as well as on the walls of YUME itself.
Described as a mixture of dream and nightmare, EYD ONE's work evokes a dichotomy of beauty and abject. It comments on the dual natures of humanity as a whole: our value structures, belief systems and personal feelings of fear and lonliness. Beneath these themes, there is a hint of hope and strength in that within the grotesque exists a true beauty that often goes unappreciated or ignored.
The Brooklyn Tee Party is proud to host EYD ONE's first ever gallery show in America. We worked hard to convince him to come out of his realm of privacy and secrecy, which he guards even closer than his artwork, and we succeeded. His work will be available for purchase along with limited edition hand-printed, tea-dyed original tee-shirts with his signature artwork on it that you will only be able to purchase at YUME through The Brooklyn Tee Party. The artist will also be at the opening reception with his translator on hand for Q&A.
Please join us to help celebrate great artwork and the coming of the EYD ONE phenomenon. This may be the only chance you get to see this amazing artist's work in person this side of the Atlantic. Email bktp [at] thebrooklynteeparty [dot] com for more information.
- The Brooklyn Tee Party